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and Help Children with

Medical Needs . . .


Beat the Drums of Your Negotiation Power!

Author: Carl Bénédict Roth
In this book, the author presents a new approach to B2B Negotiation. A further innovation of this book is the emphasis which the author puts on Psychological Warfare, from an understanding of the underlying mechanisms to the discussion of ethical and unethical tactics during B2B Negotiations.
The author also uses a new approach to help you sharpen your skills in B2B Negotiations - the theoretical framework is embedded in a compelling business case:
Kan Gane is a Ghost Negotiator for exceptionally though cases. Join him in his new B2B Negotiation, at the interface between the IT and fashion industries!
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How can you help children with medical needs?

If you like Beat the Drums of Your Negotiation Power!, the author asks you to
make a donation on a voluntary basis to a charity of your choice, for an amount
that you determine freely, to the benefit of children with medical needs.
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